Logo Drupal 8

Drupal : presentation

CMS : Content Management System

Drupal is a CMS, or rather CMF. That is, it is used as a basis for developing its own tools and functionalities. Written in PHP, and requiring a database, it allows the writing and editing of customizable content, the creation of rich and complex taxonomies, as well as a detailed management of user rights and roles.

Gouttes d'eau

The Drupal eco-system

One of Drupal's great strengths lies in its catalogue of complementary modules (called contrib).

Today, more than 7000 Drupal 8 compatible modules are available for download on drupal.org. Not to mention the more than 400 themes and 130 distributions . All these modules and themes are distributed under open-source license and contribute to the richness and flexibility of the solution.
As can be seen from these few figures from the official website drupal.org :


active contributors


each weeks


each weeks

Performances Ecommerce

For what kind of projects ?






Media & Press


Community platform



Laptop et Analytics

Drupal Commerce

Drupal Commerce

A robust and proven solution

With more than 10 years of experience in online commerce, the Drupal Commerce project was born under the name of Ubercart, compatible at the time with Drupal 5.

Thanks to Object-Oriented Programming, the complete rewriting of Commerce 2.x, based on Symfony and its components, allows for immense integration and scalability.


  • 100% open-source
  • Flexible, customizable
  • Extensible
  • Content oriented
  • Quick start up

For which projects ?

Drupal Commerce is an ideal solution if your project is :

  • An e-commerce site with business-specific

    It is different from a "shop". It complies with the requirements of a particular profession.
    For example : Effia.com, online reservation site for parking spaces.

  • An editorial e-commerce site

    An e-commerce site with high editorial value.
    For example : The Cycles Peugeot website, presenting its products around a storytelling, and not an editorial catalogue.

Its main assets are

  • Multilingual
  • Multi stores
  • Several payment methods available
  • Several possible purchasing tunnels
  • Synchronizable with any ERP / CRM
  • Can make physical and intangible products coexist
  • Benefit from the Drupal module eco-system

You have an e-commerce project ?

Contact us to present us your business, its issues and your needs. Our team is here to help you.

IOSAN at the heart of the community

At Iosan we have been involved in the Drupal community for a long time.
As individual members of the Drupal Association, we are mainly involved in the association Drupal France.


In concrete terms, our PHP expert Fabien CLÉMENT, Core Contributor of Drupal 8 and Drupal Commerce is also active on many contrib modules.

Member for nearly 10 years of the Drupal France association, he co-organizes the Nantes meetups, and has participated in the organization of 4 French Drupalcamp.


250+ commits

On the core and the contrib modules on drupal.org.


120+ contributions

Within the Drupal France association and its projects.


25+ meetups

Drupal Meetups  co-organized by the members of IOSAN in the Nantes region since 2011.


11+ events

National and international Drupal events we have attended.

Would you like to meet us? ?

Let us know, we will be happy to discuss our preferred solution with you at the next meeting or event we will be attending..